Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Dialogue: Two Dommes on fingering themeselves

Princess Mindy

Bratty Nikki: Doing my usual post workout routine...get baked and add stuff to my wishlist before flinging myself into the shower lol
Bratty Nikki

Princess Mindy: omg I read "fingering myself" hahaha ok I'm a perv

Bratty Nikki: lmao! I often get myself off before clips haha I like to be glowing ;)

haha that's why I play with myself and make myself cum before I go out. I know it makes me glow and men can't resist it.

Bratty Nikki

Dialogue: DGJ and Hate jerk

I was searching for the origins of the term “hate jerk” and I ended up reading urbandictionary entry. The definition was excellent and I ful...