Saturday, December 21, 2013

Ballbusting aka Tamakeri


For Ladies and boys who are interested in this fetish.


To bust something is to burst it. there is a huge difference between busting something and hitting or slapping something. by hit we mean just a “hit” there is no assumed imagine will be appeared in the mind. 
to bust something it gives us the way and the conclusion. it says how the act happens and what it causes also. for example: I hit an egg. that means I tap it in many possible ways of strength and nothing happens. unless I continue my sentence and saying that the egg was broken, nothing else will give that meaning. On the other hand, if I say: i bust an egg. That is a very clear sentence and it gives a clear meaning that the egg was broken by this act.
So to bust means to cause a “bust” at the end.

Dominatrix point of view

  • After ordering her slave to smack his balls very hard, they she said “I do love that sound. i do love the sound of your flesh getting smacked sharply like that. I want you really fucking hurt for me. do you hear me loser? i want you to smack those balls so fucking hard. i want you to bust them, do you hear me?” . 
[Goddess Kyaa- Torture Time 3: Percussion Play: KinkBomb - Clips4Sale].

  • After showing her slave, how she want to kick the balls, flick, squeeze them. she orders him to squeeze his balls. then smack balls, slap them, then tight them very hard. after 10 minutes of torture, she said “now you gonna bust ‘em for me. you can either use something like this [waving her fist] or use some nice implement like a spoon, a shoe, a slipper, or something else painful”.  the she start demonstrates punching the balls while saying “come on, bust ‘em, bust ‘em, bust your fucking balls for me” .  
[Goddess Alexandra Snow - Bust Your NutsClips4Sale - KinkBomb - iWantClips ].

Definition and Origins

To understand more about the meaning of this word we have to get back to the origins. [Historically bust  is derived from a dialect pronunciation of burst  and is related to it much as cuss  is related to curse. Bust  is both a noun and a verb and has a wide range of meanings for both uses. Many are slang or informal.]
So we can say that bust was originally burst. if you want to know exactly what does bust mean, you have to look up what burst means.
[minor note: there is two meaning of bust; 1) to burst. 2)sculptured or chest, and that came from different origins. [1685–95;  < French buste  < Italian busto,  probably < Latin būstum  grave mound, tomb, literally, funeral pyre, ashes; presumably by association with the busts erected over graves]. I will talk only about the first definition. 

Bust; can be used as a noun, verb with subject, and verb without subject.
verb (used without object) break, break open, or fly apart with sudden violence: The bitter cold caused the pipes to burst. issue forth suddenly and forcibly, as from confinement or through an obstacle: Oil burst to the surface. He burst through the doorway.
3. to give sudden expression to or as if to emotion: to burst into applause; to burst into tears. be extremely full, as if ready to break open: The house was bursting with people. appear suddenly; become visible, audible, evident, etc., all at once: The sun burst through the clouds.

verb (used with object)
6. to cause to break or break open suddenly and violently: He burst the balloon.
7. to cause or suffer the rupture of: to burst a blood vessel.
8. to separate (the parts of a multipart stationery form consisting of interleaved paper and carbon paper).

9. an act or instance of bursting.
10. a sudden, intense display, as of activity, energy, or effort: The car passed us with a burst of speed.
11. a sudden expression or manifestation, as of emotion: a burst of affection.
12. a sudden and violent issuing forth: a burst of steam from the pipe.
13. Military .
a. the explosion of a projectile, especially in a specified place: an air burst.
b.a rapid sequence of shots fired by one pull on the trigger of an automatic weapon: A burst from the machine gun shattered all the windows.

also — vb  , bursts , bursting , burst
1. to break or cause to break open or apart suddenly and noisily, esp from internal pressure; explode
2. ( intr ) to come, go, etc, suddenly and forcibly: he burst into the room
3. ( intr ) to be full to the point of breaking open
4. ( intr ) to give vent (to) suddenly or loudly: to burst into song
5. to cause or suffer the rupture of: to burst a blood vessel

— n
6.a sudden breaking open or apart; explosion
7.a break; breach; rupture
8.a sudden display or increase of effort or action; spurt: a burst of speed
9.a sudden and violent emission, occurrence, or outbreak: a burst of heavy rain ; a burst of applause
10.a volley of fire from a weapon or weapons

— adj
11.broken apart; ruptured: a burst pipe


before 1000; Middle English bersten, bursten, Old English berstan  (past. plural burston ), cognate with Old High German brestan  ( German bersten ), Old Norse bresta;  akin to break.


Do you know what Tamakeri means?
Tamakeri (玉蹴り) : In the terminology of ancient martial arts. also it has been incorporated self-defense skills. 

But how it becomes a sexual act?

Tamakeri (玉蹴り) : (literary. testicles kicking) is a sexual fetish and sub-genre of pornography within which a man's testicles are abused. The genre is also referred to as ballbusting ("bb" for short). Originally popular in Japan, it has now spread all over the world.[1] Tamakeri is the Japanese term, but it is used by many non-Japanese as well. The dynamics of tamakeri are attacks on a specific part of the male anatomy, the testicles, and the genre appeals to sadist women, as well as to both hetero and homosexual males.Deception Point
There are a huge line between these two fetishes: ballbusting and castration. in the first you want to keep your balls, so they get kicked again and again. in the second, you want to get rid of them for good. some acts are mutual between them, but look carefully in between the lines. a submissive boy who has castration fetish will love a movie where a domme using a big hammer and hit slave’s nuts, in a dramatic sound effect. A ballbusting boy will get depressed, because he knows this is not real, he knows he it can’t be done it in real. He don’t want it. But a ball buster talks about destroying his balls while kicking him hard, will get him off. in deep dark caves in his twisted brain he wants to dream of castration, but that’s it. the other guy, he doesn't enjoy being kicked or punched, he just want to get rip of his nuts.

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