Sunday, April 13, 2014

Dialogue: 5 Dommes & 1 Master on Ball-stretching

On March 20, 2014, I tweeted this question: I need a way to stretch my balls. It’s difficult to punish them! I wish I can put them on the table and have my way.  Any tips?

Dialogue #1 : Miss Aniddea

Miss Aniddea: get one of those workbench vices? Haha.

Me: it sounds scary. But yes I have one. How could that helps me stretch them?! I only imagine squeezing things in it.

Miss Aniddea: I don't think they can. I just imagined you popping them in the vice, tightening it and then walking backwards, slowly hahaha

Me: beautiful evil mind 

Miss Aniddea: you can buy ball stretchers from sex toy shops

Dialogue #2 : Hex Kitten & Reaghan Haide

Hex Kitten: tie 60 lb weighs to them and stand up till your mistress tells you you can sit down >:)

Me: thank you a lot for the tip. I don’t know if I can take 60 lb. but I definitely will try this method. I’m running out of options.

Reaghan Haide: You can start with 40lb, if you're a pussy.

Me: thank you goddess. I will go step by step since I’m “virgin” at this. But I will pop that cherry soon.

Hex Kitten: ok ok lol non-evilsadist version: buy those little pink 6 lb girly weights. Move up to heavier and heavier over time.

Me: thank you! Actually I like this version. It’s less scary. So I will work my way until  60 lb. it will be an interesting journey.

Dialogue #3 : Master Razz

Razz: 2 meter length of rope. Tie middle around balls. Tie each end round big toes. Stand up and walk around.

Me: actually yes!! I know this method from Miss Sophia Sylvan. I remember now. Thank you

Dialogue #4 : Miss Sophia Sylvan

Miss Sophia Sylvan: there are also ball stretchers made of metal, and other such gear. Weights also work, adding heavier and heavier.

Me: interesting. I need one of these.  Also  I remember your method with rope and toe.

Dialogue #5 : Mistress Evilyne 

Mistress Evilyne: Tie a piece of string around them, tie the other end to a door handle, slam the door. Done. Balls stretched.

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