Saturday, September 17, 2022

Livejournal Memories

During the month of August I got an email from livejournal telling me that two of my friends have received a virtual gift for their anniversary. Two things made me stop and think: their names and how many years it has been. They are goodboy4kyaa & gcupbitch. it has been 13 years for the first and 12 for the second. I was not a close friend with either of them but i knew them. It made me sit down and think for a minute. Time flies.   

[UPDATE]: I receid similar email on October about Leah Star 12 anniversary.

First : goodboy4kyaa

I knew this guy long time ago and we developed a layer of online friendship. He was famous for serving Goddess Kyaa and for being the first slave being collared with a permanent device on video in June 2012 [Permanent Collaring Ceremony - Real Life Domination & Ownership]. He neglected his LJ long time ago and deleted his twitter account few years ago.

Second: gcupbitch

Her name is Jessica She is a Dominatrix. She was famous for her femdom style and her figure and "her G cups". Her clips were top sellers in C4S for years. For me, she was the first one who "standardized" the two fingers jerking off method as well as using her pinkie to refer to a cock, never bigger. I don't remember seeing her using her hold fist for a JOI clip. in February 2013 she had a major detour in her femdom persona, she had a breast reduction operation and rebrand herself as "GBanks" instead of Gcup. She retired from porn and now working as a real estate agent. She neglected her LJ around 2011 and focus on Twitter back then. Her account is still there but it is empty.  by the way her clip store is still running but the latest clip there from 2016. 

Third: Leah Star aka Queen Leah 

Last time I heard from her was on twitter, when I mentioned her du to her absence  asking if anyone knows anything about her. she replied saying "I'm in Vegas...just starting to get back into things...send tribute for more details/chat or skype/new clips or to say u miss me!". 

her clip store is still there but hasn’t been updated since July 2012 (10 years!)

Her twitter account (@LeahStar83) has been suspended.



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