Thursday, June 30, 2022

Spotlight: What is a Beta-Male?

What is a Beta-Male*? 

By Angel Au Lait

The Beta-Male is an unremarkable, mediocre, careful man who avoids risk and confrontation. Beta males lack the physical presence, charisma, confidence and success associated with winners in life.

Number 1: You don’t feel like your life is getting better and better The first sign you’re a beta-male is that you’re unhappy with your life. You don’t wake up satisfied with what you’ve achieved & with your reality.

Number 2: You never faced your bullies Most character traits form in childhood and stick around in your adult life. Most people get bullied in life, but guess what, you will have to deal with them throughout your life in different forms.

Number 3: You rely on others like your family to make decisions for you A common trait between beta-males is the lack of decision power, they fail to be in control of their lives. They’re scared of making their own decisions and usually let others make them for them.

Number 4: You are physically weak Physical strength is often a contributing factor to self confidence. It happens to also be an indication of someone’s health.

Number 5: You are in the friendzone It doesn’t get simpler than this, if you are in the friendzone, you’re a beta-male.

Number 6: You can’t to say NO & stand your ground. Beta-males have a hard time saying NO to other people despite them not wanting to engage or what’s being asked goes against the beta’s interests.

Number 7: Even in your circle of friends, people make fun of you. It’s all fun and games until you realize that even in your circle of friend you are one of the weakest links and your friends treat you as such.

Number 8: Your existence largely centers around pastimes like browsing the internet, anime, video games, or TV shows There’s so much distraction around us that it is easy to get trapped in binge-watching everything on Netflix.

Number 9: You make excuses If you say you’re going to do something then you better get to it. Nobody wants to be around someone who’s always looking for excuses, who’s lazy and doesn’t do his part.

Number 10: You have no sense of style You can spot an alpha-male from a distance, he well groomed, well dressed, fit, with the right posture and attitude, in the sea of beta-males that surround him.

Number 11: You don’t look people in the eye and you’re nervous when you talk to them Even now, your palms get sweaty thinking about it.

Number 12: You don’t get laid much and even when you do, it’s not that great. Being a sexually active person is a sign of good health.

Number 13: Actually has a big ego – but you can’t control it You must think that having a big ego is usually associated with alpha males, but it isn’t true. We all have Egos it’s just that some control it better than others.

Number 14: You are a follower, not a leader Beta-males are not the ones who take initiative, they usually wait for someone else to initiate and then jump on the bandwagon.

Number 15 : YOU ARE A BETA. DUH.

*This was posted in Beta Heaven Discord server in 05/13/2021.

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