Monday, May 24, 2021

A Task by : Curvy Goddess

 Task: Toilet Seat Trap (Nut Nusting)

First, slip an elastic rubber band around your balls so your nuts are held tightly together in the end of the scrotum.

Get on your knees, facing the front of the toilet, and lift the lid back as high as it will go (hold your cock back out of the way). Then, rest your purple balls on the edge of the seat. I think you can guess what comes next! Slam the lid down. You can either just let go of the lid and watch it drop, slam it with force, or close your eyes and let go, you will get an extra jolt from not seeing it’s decent downward. This won’t work with slow release lids of course. It’s really best if you can find one of the old porcelain lids rather than a plastic one.

Once you gauge how much force you can take, alternate with the other options.... THEN

 If you are into REAL pain, it is also possible to sit on your sac. Leave the band around your balls then (and this bit is tricky) turn away from the toilet, slide your balls between seat and lid (sort of under and behind you)...and....sit down.

  WARNING!!  Be very careful if you try this! You could actually burst them with your full weight, then the fun of doing more tasks later would be lost, and we don’t want that. 

I want to see the results, i want to see them red and purple and bruised and swollen (or flat).

* This task originally was posted on Tumblr on 1 May, 2016.
* This task was taken with the another's permission.

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