Sunday, May 16, 2021

Ball Spaghetti by Bbusting Stacy

Stacy (or BbustingStacy) is a Domme/Girl-Next-Door from North London (UK) who really loves ballbusting. She has came up with this term, this concept. I think it was last year. I will try to cover the whole thing here.

On 19 of May, 2020 She tweeted: "If you are bored, splurge on a testicle vise. They're great for crushing balls in a dangerous, bad way. Which is good!

The best is when I'm like "'Oops' I broke one". Wah wahh wahhh

#unsafe #ballbusting #doit #thatreallyhappenedtho

Guaranteed ball spaghetti

On 17 of January, 2021 She tweeted "Unless a testis starts leaking ball spaghetti and pink nut-play-doh, is it really even REAL pain? If it all feels perfectly okay after 3 hours of puking, groaning and being curled in a foetal position, isn't it all in the boy's head? Srs question Permanent damage just hurts more".

On 18 of January, 2021 She tweeted "If you kick a testis hard enough just right against the pubic bone, the ball-paté kinda splurts out of the nut husk like toothpaste and is forever ruined. Trust me, I promise you, it's amusing for the nice lady, but it's actually not as fun as it sounds for the dumb boy. You might think you want to experience it, but from what I saw, in between laughing my tits off, was that it looked a bit like dying, so... I'd recommend against it. But I really don't care one way or another, just be warned. Evacuated ball-goo is hotter when it's someone else's "

On 9 of February, 2021 She tweeted : "Posted today on Onlyfans: Ballkicking 101 Lesson- A cold blooded play-by-play of a unilateral, make-you-infertile, ball-murdering full force nutkick. One of the hardest dick punts you've ever seen! If it's not sending your sperms to the graveyard, it's almost not worth it. You'll notice in the replay how I use my instep to perfectly jam his pathetic balls straight up, crushed into his pelvic bone. With any luck tiny bits of ball spaghetti are leaking out of his shitnuts to this day! No joke."

On 11 of February, 2021 She tweeted: "Hard to say what the best bit of Velma Busts Ghost Nuts. Maybe it's the nut kicks so hard, the new boy had no clue it was going to hurt that bad.

But personally I think it's the testicle in the lemon squeezer.

Can you imagine the testicle pressure?

And yes, while I don't really care if the testicle pops or not, I especially don't care if it merely hurts. Just man up bucko, it's all just in your head. Ball pain isn't REAL. [To a lady, with 0 frame of reference]. But you know what IS real? How funny it nutpain is kekekek"

Someone said on her "I rewatched this the night before last, the amount of times that man said "Shaggy" before you let go, and that first kick that you slammed in really took him by surprise."

She replied on him "Yup, with his ball safely in the lemon squeezer it's really MY choice when to let him go, safeword or no. I was 90% sure the organ could take more before it splurted pink nutgoo everywhere. I recommend this to ladies wanting to spice things up with truly medieval levels of pain. His voice gets so high too, it's jokes. Like a couple octaves higher than normal."

So he said "And then taking more kicks after thinking he'd already got his nuts messed up, that must have been a real mindfuck"

"He really thought one was just ball spaghetti, but that's the BEST time for a full force dickpunt.

My busting philosophy is pretty simple, just MAXIMUM PAIN, and sort the rest out in therapy after you leave my studio. Or the Emergency Room. I go easy on some, but not in videos. ... the therapy is for you, in case that was unclear.

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